
2020年4月29日—I'mtryingtofigureoutatrun-timewhattheflashpage(sector)sizeis,butfinditdifficulttodosoasthereisnocleardistinguishing ...,2018年6月27日—PagesizefornRF51seriesis1024bytes,andfornRF52seriesis4096bytes.Hencetheoptionsstartat256(words)fornRF51familyandat ...,,itsaid'Foradevicewithaflashof512kBorlarger,thepagesizeis4096bytes.Fordeviceswithlessthan512kBofflash,thepagesizeis2048bytes'.,''...

Determine flash page size at run

2020年4月29日 — I'm trying to figure out at run-time what the flash page (sector) size is, but find it difficult to do so as there is no clear distinguishing ...

Flash Data Storage (FDS)

2018年6月27日 — Page size for nRF51 series is 1024 bytes, and for nRF52 series is 4096 bytes. Hence the options start at 256 (words) for nRF51 family and at ...

Flash page size

it said'For a device with a flash of 512 kB or larger, the page size is 4096 bytes.For devices with less than 512 kB of flash, the page size is 2048 bytes' .

How to determine FLASH page size

''The memory organization is based on a main memory block containing 32 pages of 1 Kbyte (for low-density devices), 128 pages of 1 Kbyte (for medium-density ...

NAND flash

2014年7月10日 — Flash memory is organised into x-number of blocks (or sectors), themselves of which are split into y-number of pages. As you have found, ...

NAND flash的特性

2011年5月4日 — 1G (128MB) 的 Flash - Page size : (2K + 64)Byte. - Block size : (128K + 4K)Byte. 不同 size 有不同的組合。 Nand Flash 在出廠時會經過比較嚴格 ...

Re: [JN5189] Size of a flash memory page

It seems that the flash page size for the JN5189 is 512 bytes, as defined in the SDK's app_flash.h file with '#define APP_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE 512'.

Understanding Flash

2014年6月20日 — The important bit here is that program operations (i.e. writes) take place to a page, which might typically be 8-16KB in size, while erase ...